The reason why I have chosen these two monogloues is because I feel I can relate to aspects of both of the characters which makes them highly suitable for me.
I feel like I can relate to the character of Rosie. I can remember what it was like being eight years old and growig up with older siblings in a community where I was playing with other children up to 10 years older than me. I was very much like Rosie in the fact that I always wanted to be like the older children and always pretended I was older than my actual age.
Also, like Rosie, I was very much in love with dollys. I always used to play with them and talk to them which helps me understand the relationship and the way Rosie would be acting towards the dolly in the monologue.
This monolgoue exites me becase I think that it desplays a very typical eight year old who's birthday is going all wrong, stroppy, upset and angry. This exites me because it gives me the opportunity to use facial expressions to display how I am feeling.
I feel like I can understand the character of Angela making the part suitable for me. I am ony 17 years old so Angela is of a very similar aged to me at 16 so I have the physical appearence of a 16 year old. I also know what it is like to be that age, as it was only a year ago. Some may argue that this is not a suitable monologue for me because Angela has Lukeamia and I have not been through anythng like that in my life or nessaccerelly known someone who has . However in a previuos peice of work we deviced a perfomance about a little girl with Lukeamia. This involved carrying out a lot of research into what it was like to have it and all of the mental effects that it has on the patiants and their families.
This monologue exites me because it could be interpreted in so many different ways. When people are diegnosed with terminal illnesses they have very different reactions. This allowed me to take my own unique edge onto the monologue and perform it in what ever way I like expressing what ever emmosion that I want to. I have chosen to take an angery approch which is very similar to ym personallity. It also exites me because I have the opportunity to perform using a Northern accent which will help show my versitility in my vocal skills.
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