Monday, 29 April 2013

Physical Movment

We had a lesson were we focused on improving and controling our physical movement to help us with portraying our character. Movent helps portray a character because you get a lot from the way character, stand, walk and sit.
We chose one monolgoue to focus on and improve the physical movmenet of that character. I chose the character form 'Like a Virgin,' Angela.

Tension StateWe focued on the movement of our bodies and where should hold tension. The exercise we did involved walking arounf the room the room in a nutral status and slowly changing into the mood of the character that they are feeling during the monologue. Whilst doing this exercise we had to focus on where we were feeling tension and what body part was naturally leading. In the case of Angela she was leading with her head because she was in an angry mood and had a point that she wanted to prove. She was focusing with her eyes on what was infront of her and had a large amout of tension in her upper body to she her anger and agression.
This helped me in my monogloe becuase it made me awair that i should focus on one spot when directing talking to Maxine to show I was talking to someone.  This exersie also helped me to hold my body during my monologue and hold tension in my shoulders. This helped me to control my physical movement.

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