Thursday, 9 May 2013

Evaluation Rosie's Monologue

When I performed Rosie's monologue from 'My Mother Said I Never Should' I feel I portraied many aspect of it very well. I feel I protraid the age of Rosie very well even though I found it challenging. I tried to make my physical appreance more like an eight year old by tying my hair up in bunchies. This was approreate for an audition because it was a simple appearence and took little time to change but made it very effective to my performance because I looked younger so my character was more beleiveable. Not only did I use appearance to show my age, I also used my vocial skills to help show my age. I didn't pronounce my words as well as I natually do for example already. I didn't pronounce the 'D' in the word. I also used a stroppy tone to my voice which not only showed the age of the character but it also reflected the mood she was in. She was unhappy because her birthday wasn't going well. I feel aswell as my voice, my physical appearence showed both the mood and the age of the character during the monologue. At the start of the monologue I stamped my foot to the floor and through my arm down to show I was in a strop, this is a steriotypical action for an upset child.
During the monologue I was talking to a dolly however I was miming it. I showed that I was talking to a dolly by holding my arms in a position of how a dolly would be held. To help me do this, in some of my reahersals I used a dolly so I could get a feel for how it would be held, thrown and lifted. Doing this helped me a lot because I feel it came across in my performance that I was holding a doll.
I used my physical movement to show my age by sitting on the floor for most of the monologue. This is often a symbol of youth, it also helps show that I was useing different levels as at the begining of the monologue and end I was stood up but during the middle I was on the floor. I also fidgeted and changed positions a lot to show my flexability like young children have. Children are also known for fidgeting.
I feel that I used my physical and vocial movement very effectivly in my performance and i feel that I portraid the age and mood of my character in the way I planned.    

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