Saturday, 25 May 2013

Script Analysis

I used two different techniques to analyse the script in order to cut it down to understand both the context and the feelings delivered in each induvidual line of the monologue.

Punctuation Analysis
One of the first techniques I did to analysis the script was walked around the room at a steady pace reading the monologue out loud. Every time I came to a bit of punctuation in the script I did a sharp 90 degree turn. This helped me see what the pace of the monologue was, I found that the more punctuation marks there were the faster the pace. I helped me understand the difference between the statement in the monologue and the bits that explain more. For example in my monologue the first section I found have lots of punctuation and short snappy sentences showing it was a quick pace.
"Over hill, over dale, over park, over pale."
This amount of punctuation reduces throughout the monologue and by the end it has little making the pace more slow.
"Our queen and all our elves come here anon."
No only did this help me to understand the pace of the monologue but how to perform it. I decided that I would use my physical movement to reflect the pace by literally moving around with high energy and at a fast pace and slowly reduced this pace and energy in my movement as the pace of the monologue slowed down.

Iambic Pentameter
Another technique I used to help analyse the script was Iambic Pentameter. The term describes the particular rhythm that the words establish in that line, in a traditional verse and drama verse. We looked at the rules and tried it out with my script. I noticed that in my script there was not a regular occurance of the typical 10 sylibals. I found this a bit of a hindrance because it made me unsure of which words to enthisise as it didn't follow the usual ABAB patteren. This made me read the script in more detail so I could work out what was beign said and waht was trying to be put across. This allowed me to make a decision for myself of which words would be enthisised. However the last two lines of my monologue did follow the rules of Iambic Pentameter containing 10 sylibals. Every other word was to be enthisised which made it clear to me of which words were trying to be put across which allowed me to add this to my performance. It helped me understand the objectives of the character and what they are working towards.

"Fairwell, thaugh lob of sprit, I'll be gone
Our queen and all our elves come here anon."

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